Friday, May 11, 2012

The stench from the black hole

The stench from the black hole

EDITORIAL . jpg Cartoon by Cathy Wilcox “/> Cartoon by Cathy Wilcox

BUDGET week is usually a positive moment for the government sets their plans. But this week’s budget was primarily a non-dominated, but two negatives.

The government’s budget should be positive. Bring a surplus – slim though it may be – is a positive result at a time when many Western economies are crippled by debt. The cuts were particularly smart, and move to block the opposition promised to cut business tax has been rotated properly: corporate taxation will remain the same families, but with low incomes will receive handouts. The original plan would have been better, but if on the wrong side of a two-speed economy is feeling the pinch, this trick can help politically experienced – although, as the survey shows that we publish today, has not made me feel more friendly towards the job. Perhaps even more important for the government in a very short time, the budget – with the exception of the decision on the business tax – wa s broadly welcomed by business and investments


But for better or worse, the budget has been overwhelmed by the consequences of the Fair Work Australia to report the health services of the Union, in particular the activities of the MP Dobell, Craig Thomson, when he was a union official yet. The report was published on Monday produced a reaction, especially when the other independent MPs, to which the voice of the government, which could jeopardize their future.

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