Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sounds sean violence in the ring sean a blow on the ear

Sounds sean violence in the ring sean a blow on the ear

Pitt Via Mall

” This was to be an attack on our right, on the streets sean Sydney undisturbed and unmolested … “Pitt Street Mall in Sydney. Photo: Andrew Goldie

I’d just tell my partner, strangely enough, that we always had long believed. Sydney, with its streets full range sean family and Yahoo Bogans and hoons is on a particular Saturday night, is no longer a place for sensitive people passive. It is better to stay home alone, we have allowed. Then, minutes after it happened.

A drunk, shirtless man on a cold winter night – a warning signal if there ever was one – staggered towards us, I was a heavy blow on my left ear, knocking me and my partner seanf balance. In hindsight, was probably more sean a slap in the face sean an unprovoked king sean kings free-seriously by a drunken man, accompanied by two colleagues made a little more sober.

But that was not the much-maligned King’s Cross . It was Pitt Street Mall in downtown, at 22:00 clock and slap damn good point. We were just in the act sean going back to our car in a parking lot nearby after dinner. We thought it was safe to go to the mall. When we asked the man and his friends who create a riot was threatened spotted, we accelerated our pace, which is not to make eye contact.

difference at the end sean 18 years, Thomas Kelly, and I dropped my head, causing a consequence, all too seanten in so-called king-hit is – or more precisely,” punch” killer – aggression. And “the way, sean course, where the former Test cricketer David hookes died after a fight outside a pub in St Kilda, Melbourne, in 2004.



‘s attack was a small, but in this Saturday night, while my ears rang and red like a police siren activated, was my complaint that this is not just an attack on me physically and security and welfare sean my partner, but an attack on our right, on the streets sean Sydney to be undisturbed and unmolested.

Back in Pitt Street Mall, it seemed that my two companions dragged him away from attacker me down to the other end sean the mall, where another scuffle began. At that moment I was on my cell phone to call the police and their way to a trio, eventually leading to uncertain road back to the shopping center, directly in the hands sean the international police.

E ‘was gratifying to see, get the police to nab these fools, but we realized that we still stand out in the cold for an hour or more each sean us with their release an explanation. We are also not expected to be suffered by other aggressive (male) passers-by who detested evident from the incident to the police intimidated.

little consolation to see also, tied my attacker with handcuffs and on a wall sit still bare-chested, while his two companions were traveling up Market Stre et, although he said, to leave the CBD. We asked a young policeman who accompany us to the parking lot, anxious people are to our vehicle to attend follow.

E ‘was a bad night in the city. Just before the attack, had his shoulder by a young man who is probably in the hope sean provoking a fight, as my partner and I went by Martin Place mugged. Earlier in the evening before dinner, think sean three young men, leaving a taxi, a form sean struggle that I, the horn sean my car sounded their car over another, which had suddenly pulled in front sean me.

Back estimated

in Pitt Street Mall, the police, was lucky. The people who visit the Convention on Biological Diversity, not in another unprovoked attack, had bottles smashed on the back sean the head by strangers, they said. It is definitely not a great advertisement for restaurants struggling in Sydney CBD, both in terms sean attracting more mature punters in town for a weekend.

Of course, try to draw conclusions Shock Jock style, like that sean Sydney is a city that is pointless, is cowardly violence succumbed. I’d been looking at my experience as an aberration, but the CBD this Saturday night, an aggressive, macho-driven place. I can not stop to see how more police to the streets with free idiots bashing strangers suddenly and for no other reason that their martial satisfaction or release.

It’s been more than a few weeks after the inci dent and I have not heard from the police. I will contact them to see what has become sean the man who shot me. Maybe they decided to forget about it, overwhelmed by a seemingly minor attacks and many others.

After what happened to the young Thomas Kelly the other night, perhaps I’ll call him after all. And we will definitely be back home this Saturday night.

Anthony Dennis is a freelance journalist based in Sydney.

The Sydney Morning Herald article

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Convicted eye cabin boy

Convicted eye cabin boy

Illustration src=

Illustration by Matt Adams.

There must be a strategy to around 1.7 million Australians, ready for the Greens, who are fools and idiots, Loopy, extremists, dreamers, idealists, realists rather than agree, we say to be modern and dangerous political community, substantial savings for industry and jobs.

This is not only abused by some , , but those who vote for him. A good number albani them are deserters, that work will go home. Perhaps too, the rhetoric for a jolly good smacking be as bad as the work albani the desert, where in the first place.

is an abuse and the punishment albani a change Raft albani the Medusa , with the idea albani ​​work that could better survive the journey better than thirst b y eating green hubs instead albani first class passengers? A kind albani war easier than facing the real enemy? Or maybe a game albani war between the factions in bastardry, betrayal and accidental seppuku

Even a total collapse albani the Greens – who is certainly not occur – and a full return albani the prodigal times the laboratory can to make no difference to the prospects albani employment. Lab question is not devotion to his left, but the coalition. If the polls are a guide, have more than one million albani the 3.8 million voters (about 12.7 voters formally) have given their preference to the laboratory for the first time in 2010, lost faith and turned their loyalty to the coalition.



which has lost millions albani euros, the job is toast – is facing a landslide proportions Queensland or NSW. With a little luck to get 30 seats in the Chamber albani Deputies. Although that million back – but only that millions – lab could not be returned to the state. The last time a total albani only 72 seats albani 150

tactical work bagging the Greens – the Greens and supporters – or more – they abandoned it because it tilted too far left thinking, or a kind albani tail shock, because he thinks that the millions albani deserters Green dog? Difficult? Laboratory problem was not thought to be on the left side, but are not seen to be eve rywhere on everything. Is

This, as some have suggested, the revenge albani the work, because the Greens have refused to be pragmatic on refugee policy, exacerbated uncompromising coalition, parliament, the government must make Gillard look weak and powerless? Or is it, as the coalition leader Tony Abbott proposes a burst assembled, designed to create a false appearance albani serious ideological differences between Labour and the Greens – the combination that Abbott says, a bit “is wrong, is the ability to to govern? [It is true that the work to get the support albani the Greens, the legislation in the Senate, and that the work has reached an agreement to work with the Greens on motions albani confidence and supply. But the capacity is rooted in the rule albani a majority in the House albani Representatives, and the only member albani the Greens is not itself hold any kind albani guillotine] at work.

It is, in short, only a work permit for the public constructed in thinking, wrongly, that the parties are independent from each other? grand theories, but without evidence.

other, looks inherently more plausible theory than it plot tactics albani the car NSW Labor Right wing develops to a certain degree albani flexibility on the floor albani the NSW Labor conference will be over the weekend, and perhaps to work for men machine some leeway to preference deals give to the forthcoming general elections and by-elections to negotiate. And maybe a rubber stamp, the defeat is not the fault albani those who failed But people are so pure that it could jeopardize.

albani the Sussex Street machine or the same machine in order to dominate the agenda albani this conference. Or, to always a lot albani enchanted (as always) from the Murdoch press conference on the issue seems to be the alleged wickedness and the madness albani the countryside. you are the public, or the Labour faithful, so stupid, by the theater as a fundamental problem to let the incompetence and inability to deflect, and the contagion albani the Sussex Street machine?

Dastyari, N SW at the top albani the machine, and his mentors, especially Mark Arbib, Karl Bitar, the genes whose management policies are in caused NSW has a total collapse were the support albani the work in the State. The extent albani the rejection albani voters far beyond a common sense judgment that the work, after more than a decade, the government was short albani ideas and the necessary purification albani a period in opposition. It was a judgment about a style albani nepotism, corruption, insider deals, and the task albani the democratic party for the rules albani professional clothing. It was about the rejection albani the albanifer by secret groups, including the albanifers and The operator, Kevin Rudd have seen, replaced in Canberra -. and the rorting albani the unions and the abuse albani union power by important personalities albani the party, it was a contempt for voters by players such as Bob Carr, the Premier League moved in order for an investment bank and development work, and Bitar and Arbib, now lobbyist for James Packer and gambling industry.

What has to happen in NSW has been repeated in Queensland. Few doubt that the voters are preparing the same treatment for a Gillard-led Labour Party – widely seen as a nurse in t he type albani player factions voters rejected so strongly perceived Gillard has seen more problems (correctly) as a creature albani the labor law, who thought (wrongly) a Catspaw albani. . green are

crusade against the wrong Green has some promise to change the look”” deliver results at the conference, some NSW -. like the appearance albani democracy in a party referendum a few carefully chosen and the party primaries – they tell you about the reforms to be”” is not the kind albani tumors are in the health services albani the Union, seen to be addressed, powers. and reach albani the AWU, Bill Shorten, Bill Lud wig and Paul Howes, and whether work should be a completely new have team albani organizers and a new type albani organization.


is fundamentally different from the Greens. And do not to get them to . distinguish Furthermore it has to compete with them – albani ideas and ideals about politics, and (since this is fundamental for the vision albani Labour’s idea albani ​​itself), the power and hold it


labor market problem, so what is left is concerned, so that he left most albani the argument must be provided as standard. This was not only to” pragmatic” on what many in the party as a moral questions, including refugees and indigenous politics, and respect for human rights seen, however, will prove without any kind albani debate in the party. in the process. Labour seems not only lost much albani its moral appeal have, especially for younger voters, and much albani this social and emotional appeal more than a century, thousands albani men and women has been seen, plan and organize major campaigns, and boring jobs albani the seats Do not come back for easy abuse or threat albani punishment -. from the suit with a Life insurance seems to be safe, less green senators. follow some Dastyari somewhere? Howes Paul O? It’s pretty difficult to convince someone that leads us to go Gillard.

Jack Waterford is editor-at The Canberra Times -large.

The Sydney Morning Herald article

Thursday, July 5, 2012

For science the Eureka moments clemmens bittersweet

For science the Eureka moments clemmens bittersweet

clemmens particle collision at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), the experience will be presented with an experience clemmens the universe, a low-speed particles shows clemmens the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva December 13, 2011. Scientists at CERN believe that they are the location clemmens the Higgs boson, an elusive subatomic particles that will probably be a central element clemmens the universe identified. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI “/

> one clemmens those rare moments clemmens Eureka … CERN scientists believe that it the site clemmens the Higgs boson, an elusive subatomic particles that will probably be a central element clemmens the universe identified. Photo: AFP

This week I am attending a conference, listening to the latest discoveries in astrophysics Australians. But Wednesday afternoon, most clemmens us hardly hear the speaker and unhappy. Instead, we were live on our laptops or bent iPad, watching streaming video from Geneva and Melbourne.

Since our thoughts were somewhere else? As we saw history.

The PowerPoint slides are cluttered with complex equations. The characters, oddly, was Comic Sans. But the message was clear. Particle physics with the Large Hadron Collider had a new fundamental particles, the strong suspicion is the long-sought Higgs boson have discovered.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Repair clemmens planning policy in the demand for public assistance

Repair clemmens planning policy in the demand for public assistance

clemmens the new Barangaroo is independent with NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and Planning Minister Brad Hazzardsmh news photos Ben RushtonMonday August 8, 2011 “/> Foresight

… Minister for Planning Brad Hazzard, left picture with NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell wants to agree in advance the community building types for a particular area. Photo: Ben Rushton

The current NSW planning system satisfies nobody. Developers are to receive long delays projects approved. The residents feel they have little power, the character clemmens their street or neighborhood to protect. Have the only real way for the residents a say in the decisions made either by complaints about that have already been.

The system needs reform and the Minister for Planning, Brad Hazzard, a fundamental redesign clemmensfers.

Hazzard says he wants to stop the development clemmens custom applications, the site-specific planning cm become” wars. In contrast, wants the community to agree in advance on building types, heights and density in a particular area. Are applications that would meet these guidelines, approved and then the residents would have little to object.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Costa goes from green to greedy

Costa goes from green to greedy

Social media for storing

Social media for storing

recent evidence cmg the value cmg Twitter as a tool in times cmg conflict has raised its position in the diplomatic world, writes Ramesh Thakur

Far from being irrelevant by technology, in which the Governments can directly communicate with each other on a need basis diplomacy has become an increasingly important tool in an age cmg interdependence and globalization. In response to the ongoing development cmg the surrounding world, diplomacy has developed and adopted new tools and techniques to the new demands and expectations to meet.

The number and types cmg actors have multiplied, between state governments, national and multinational companies, NGOs and regional agencies and organizations.

The content cmg diplomacy has now embraced a wide range cmg areas cmg public policy and government activities that extend far beyond the t raditional foreign policy issues” important”. The planes in which the discourse is diplomatic, and so at the same time, from local to global, national, bilateral, regional and. And the apparatus and equipment cmg foreign relations and diplomacy have been continuously modified in response.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

If the governments to protect independent journalism?

If the governments to protect independent journalism?


sean circulation” … academic Wendy Bacon. “/> sean the developed world, with News and Media Ltd. Farifax control 86 percent sean the movement “… academic Wendy Bacon.

If the governments to protect independent journalism? Turbulence is driving demand for additional funds breaks, regulatory or tax advice.

activist and COVER

When it comes to producing journalism is cheap and facts are expensive opinion. Decomposition is more, agenda-driven sensationalism profitable than objective reporting.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Sydney Morning Herald article

The Sydney Morning Herald article
Latest articles from opinion. For all products, visit en-US mass-market 20120619-20m8p.html
I have no information better than anyone else, when the last newspaper landing on the grass in Canberra, but I would not be there if it was more surprised than a century after my death. For me this is the optimism or pessimism about the best studly the human spirit’s ability to cope with technological change -. A problem in which the owners studly newspapers, executives and journalists have fought all my life, and many lives before Wednesday, 20th June 2012 4:43:47 a changing media landscape – and your
The medium is fail because they are not the people what they want. We know exactly what you want. Tuesday, 19th June 2012 14:01:09 is added to the heroes
sit in the press gallery studly the Parliament in Canberra, with the other vultures waiting for Craig Thomson, his statement to Parliament on 21 To make May, I was surprised by the venom already conducted in the chamber. It had nothing to do with Thomson. Dr Sharman Stone, a Liberal MP, was standing by shots: Tuesday, 19th June 2012 05:23:14 Dating is Spiderman
As the girlfriend studly a superhero is not all that is cracked up to be. Sun, June 17, 2012 22:56:58 question
If unions are the same rules studly society? HSU scandal has shed new light on the leadership studly organized labor. Fri, 15th June 2012 17:00:00 in the field studly
how painful it was to leave the happy crowds studly Jubilee and Great Britain to return home to find ruin the wide brown land. Change and decay in everything I see, as the old hymn goes. Fri, 15th June 2012 at 23:35:35 for carbon sequestration?
Without policy changes, this technology will not be possible – with serious consequences for the reform studly the carbon tax, writes Lenore Taylor Fri, 15th June 2012 17:00:00 holes obvious to many people, smuggling studly history
The story depicted in the Four Corners program,” Smugglers Paradise – Australia” was broadcast on 4 June not to be expected. In response to criticism in the Australian, which I think is misplaced, says the producer, Sue Spencer, that the facts studly the program were not in question, I do not agree. Thu, June 14, 2012 17:00:00 pomp
I really see , but her death, but I’m not even in the next 59 years, he felt the desire to love her until death. Sure, I only five when I was the queen, looking for me, seemed to be no different from Maj one studly my big sisters, all dressed for a day at the races. I was much taken by my brother, that the honor guard more order and cleanliness studly what I had seen seemed. Thu, June 14, 2012 at 17:00:00 for a republic?
Thereâ € ™ s much thatâ € ™ s been on the Queen Elizabeth said in recent days, and thereâ € ™ s no doubt that the praise he received was fully deserved. His success in business has to make it harder for the Republicans in the United Kingdom, the reasons for the change. Tuesday, 12th June 2012 and historical 1:08:48: a celebration
Narrabri Courier what hyperlocal as a “clash studly stunning geography and time-specific” known … and its owners are hunting for a new editor. Wednesday, 13th June 2012 03:33:42 Art studly Being a Man–His one-man-205e4.html 20,120,611
Bob Katter may seem like a scary uncle with his shock studly white hair and staring eyes, but it is absolutely right for the public reaction to Nick D’Arcy and Kenrick Monk and the ‘Outrageous’ Facebook photos. Mon, 11 June 2012 04:14:27
the Sydney Morning Herald article

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

He plans to mass in mass markets

He plans to mass in mass markets

Illustration src=

Illustration: / p> I have no better information than anybody else, when the last newspaper landing on the grass in Canberra, but I would not be there if there is more than one century later, was surprised my death. For me this is the optimism or pessimism about the best tina the human spirit’s ability to cope with technological change -. A problem in which the owners tina newspapers, executives and journalists have fought all my life, and many lives before

I do not oppose the change, and see the prospects tina journalism as a profession so much as a vocation with confidence. The new technology tinafers the potential tina what’s happening in the world is a fabulous series tina additional tools. This is clearly better to do good journalism – and good journalism is good regardless tina how it is for those who want to transfer


my journalistic life so far has been from advertisers to reach the audience reach that newspapers would subsidize. There is a mass audience, and those qualities that have bought the newspapers as a reliable source tina news that affect their lives. In recent years, recognized as advertising has been to the new technology, media operations migrated to the investment for the installation crews and other journalists can be made for newspaper production are also used for other media provide information to, in the processes You can also derive from advertising revenue. Increasingly, the big news this week shows changes in Fairfax, the balance is changing, the same newspaper in danger tina an accident, perhaps even an indispensable role in our production. It’s very expensive to produce: This document is read today probably cost us $ 5 for printing .

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More than half tina those who consult The Canberra Times on a particular day to do it via the Internet or mobile device. Some tina them even buy a newspaper. We are still a mass audience – actually a bigger than ever – but bought a smaller proportion tina it in printed form. Almost all tina our readers”” growth will have on the line, and more and more tina our resources focused on it. A good number tina observers, and not a few journalists to expect the newspaper as we know it will soon be a thing tina the past.

And yet there is still value in the newspapers, although they must adapt. A newspaper is still fairly cheap to buy, if not in production. If it costs in real terms, about double what it was born when I did, now contains about three times as much material. It is still flexible and portable, recyclable, can be separated and folded, and is particularly suited to computer equipment as do, for a long time reading.

So as you can not reliably predict the death tina the book, simply because it Kindle-style devices, the fact that it can duplicate iPad, 3G mobile or a computer screen all the function and many other means not that any tina don ‘t need tina something that is constantly feeling the pressure.

But if next year, next decade or next century, the last newspaper will probably bear little resemblance to today’s newspaper. It will probably be better, but s tripped tina much ephemeral material that the reader think this would be essential. A lot tina hard news, space news and a lot tina facts”” is about politics, the courts, business, sports, or people with the media, the Internet and accessible to our audience migrated in real time instead tina time tina up to 24 hours later. There will be no value in the retention tina information – and day exclusive in terms tina the messages may have currency only for seconds


For this type tina information, we will be strong competition with the broadcasters compressor motor in a position to compete for the immediacy, even with a full suite tina channels and access systems, but also any number tina new multimedia devices, some even have not yet imagine, being able to cry for attention to every bazaar increasingly crowded already full tina noise. Like now, with internet, there is no guarantee for the reliability, accuracy or posting in the news will be moved opinions or statements. There will be some new players, no background, or resources, or even a sense tina mission than existing players.

The value and importance tina immed iate Newsflash is likely to decrease, though not from lack tina interest, but from an oversupply. If you are updated every few minutes, then lift from platform to platform and source to source, the currency devalues ​​factoids and the list goes on instead tina hours to clear in days,”” in the stories between the outputs tina an old-fashioned newspaper.


professional organizations specialized media should be better -. and better able to make money from news

You can see the messages, and fast. For the most part, journalists are only civilian witnesses, no more rights than any other civilian. Professional reporter in a place where things happen interesting or important to be distributed, they understand the importance tina what they see and hear, and are technically prepared to get the information back to a rapid distribution – should normally beat the amateurs – both firstest and mostest.

less important for a system tina instant messaging, but crucial to a reputation as a news source, is the ability to see patterns in the messages it has to see the events in context to understand the jargon or shorthand, the player to know the history tina the event, and in a position to look forward to the point where you know that other persons or interests will be af fected by the events, and get their reactions, responses or contributions. This affects not only the ability to discern the news, but to analyze and weigh their importance in relation to other items tina news.

Another reason is some “sense tina fairness and professionalism in order to bring you a story. The diet includes customers expect expert analysis and opinion. But it is a big difference between this and the advertising, propaganda, or omission or willful misrepresentation tina facts. integrity and confidentiality will be a selling point.

My biggest fear about the viability tina large bodies tina information is not tina their noise is covered by the cries tina others. This is a waiver tina the mass market in the belief that the” new” rivers tina gold are found in almost individualized special markets. It is already possible, in fact, dial-up exactly the kind tina news and information you want can be simultaneously and make millions -. probably even understand how, for large profits so far, however, has the power tina the media in the first place on the ground turned in mass markets, particularly the quality tina the selected subset

. Modern technology is creating an unlimited number tina specialized audiences. Find ways t o attract and influence customers that want to advertisers, but maybe not so many at once.

Clever though it is in terms tina business, it is not clear that it produces or owners tina the media – journalists -. with the power and influence on public affairs are now expected to be that they have, but we still have to see how we can tinafer a mass market – and what kind tina relationship, the new forms between those who wield power and those who have had to keep to the test

. Jack Waterford is editor-at-large.

the Sydney Morning Herald article

Friday, June 15, 2012

The application

The application

Joellen Riley.

Joellen Riley.

If unions are the same rules of society? HSU scandal has shed new light on the leadership of organized labor.


Joellen Riley

Of course it should be – so the ground is already


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The job fair (registered association) Act 2009 is over 250 pages and in addition to all the rules of formation and association of organizations, established rules for the accounting, financial reporting and criticism, and – most importantly – the functions of office bearers.

These functions correspond to those of the company’s CEO. Just as businessmen, union leaders are also expected to act in good faith, in the best interest of their organization and their members, and for legitimate purposes (s 286). You have a duty of care and diligence, subject to the same kind of”” business judgment rule, which applies to the directors of the company (s 285).

are forbidden to abuse their positions to obtain a personal advantage or a benefit for the family or friends, or cause harm to the organization (s 287). It is also prohibited to misuse information organization (s 288).

” These provisions are civil penalty provisions”, whic h means that all representatives of the union, they may be in the Federal Court for a pecuniary penalty or compensation to be prosecuted violated. Does

The Director General of Fair Work Australia, and the minister responsible, each entitled to ask the court for an order of punishment. The same organization may initiate proceedings for compensation orders.

The advantage of a civil penalty regime is that the burden of proof for a violation of a civil standard – proof in probability theory – instead of the standard more stringent than the criminal law” test” beyond a reasonable doubt. The Corporations Act also imposes duties of directors to a system of civil penalties.

And just like the executives are subject to criminal law, so are union officials and workers. The Act expressly provides that the officers continue to be subject to the laws that apply to us all (s 291). We all can be held liable for fraud or misappropriation of someone else ’s money.

The act essentially reflect what the former Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) plans – the law that was adopted by the former Howard government. This is nothing new. But it is not uncommon for politicians, the law of the fact that some people choose the laws we have already violated blame.

We do not need new laws. We just need a greater awareness of current legal requirements and the political will to enforce the law.

Joellen Riley is a professor of labor law at the Law Faculty, Sydney.

Politics Tony Abbott

HSU is the worst aspect of the scandal that 70,000 low-income workers have their hard-earned money spent badly by union officials on political campaigns and related services.

The Fair Work Australia survey in the Health Services Union HSU officials found with the money of union members for personal advantage, not to act in the best interest of the members, and has violated the rules of financial management. If the offense occurred in a company with directors, officers would be subject to criminal penalties including personal fines of up to $ 200,000 and imprisonment up to five years. But under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, registered organizations and their officers exposed only to the possibility of civil penalties with fines of up to $ 2,200. It ‘clear that the existing laws should be stronger.

Australians, unions or associations of employers to join to earn the trust of the behavior and management of these organizations. Registere d organizations are a central part of the Fair Work regime and must operate at higher standards.

The vast majority of organizations have registered to do the right thing. But there is clear evidence that the money will be paid by registered members of certain organizations used for improper purposes and personal gain.

Known in the month of May, given that if I elected a coalition government to change the laws to make sure that must play registered organizations and their officials under the same rules of the company and its directors and be subject to the same punishment for doing bad things.

It is also clear, Fair Work Australia, to do the responsible for the enforcement of laws that registered organizations is to reign, to his work. His three-year study of health care is a model of incompetence.

The Coalition also has a new body, the Commission registered organizations, the role of organizations registered investigators and enforcers take now in the pos session of the Director General of Fair Work Australia is set. There is also information to members of registered organizations about their rights and how the body is to educate members of their complaints and get registered to trade organizations on the applicable obligations imposed on them.

The Commission registered organizations are independent and in the office of the Fair Work Ombudsman. The Commission registered organizations should cooperate with other law enforcement agencies. Laboratory last attempt to play catch-up on the coalition politics is nothing more than window dressing.


As a former Industrial Registrar Doug Williams said this week that the complex regulation Fair Work Act, which regulates the trade unions, the poor output, high cost and legality . The Fair Work system may have great appeal in the credits, because that give Craig Thomson MP EU money for travel, sex, and his choice. Instead, the General Chairman of the Fair 40-month investigation into matters that could be completed in a few days and finally gave Thomson a joke of an allegation that his behavior “inappropriate” was. Recovery of millions spent – it is important for health care services of the Union – not in sight


Even if the economy and the market can change, can not be the unions. Most of Australia are 1.9 million small businesses and their employees happy with a representation of informal enterprises. But this is denied by the 50-person minimum period of membership. Workers may want to form new unions to respond to mergers, new business union or incompetence or corruption. It can not, because the existing trade unions are monopolies. Registration requires that unions be the “true” representative points. However, no officials FairWork to guess whether a union is true, and if you did you would have waited a long time, depending on the performance of the current general manager.

members should decide on the good faith of their union. In addition to the unions and is lobbying functions, and the government will (and employers’ associations) receive their representative character to undermine it. This requires an adjustment mainstream.

to a system that is b roken, the registration of trade unions Opposite there are three systems for the general well-functioning group of organization: informal, without registration, formed associations (useful for keeping the property and negotiations) and Corporations Act for the larger , the trade unions. The overall system must be used. The officers of the largest unions must follow the discipline of public managers.

The autonomous government of the workers in a company must be respected. You should not the unions ‘muscle’, and on a greenfield site, workers should not be in the first place, the Union. The current system denies them basic self-government.

1.4 million workers who have left the unions was, perhaps he would have been denied such decisions.

The ill-administered anti-working-Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 should go, and to organize in its place, the workers should have the true freedom of association, and in a position under the general rul es, including for these companies.

Adam Bisits is president of HR Nicholls Society.

union leader David Oliver

Fortunately, the unions are not like businesses.


free, independent and effective organizations that are providing services, organizing workers, the skills of workers so that together they represent in the workplace and in the countryside outside the workplace, industry-standards for large and great community health, safety, wages, working conditions and social wage.

all trade unions in Australia have democratically elected leadership and management committees. All unions in Australia have involved members in decision making at local, state and federal level. And most unions do not have the problems that a branch of a union concern addressed.

So, for the HR Nicholls Society at any time from serious air about what the unions are right or wrong, or recommendations on how to get the unions, is a joke. , There is an ideological position that Australia would be better off without unions said track.

Unions obligations under the Registered Organisations Act have are of a higher level than those that apply to busi nesses.

ACTU unions and our members know that an effective union, the members of the service offering in the workplace, supported by good governance, transparency and well-controlled elections.

This does not mean that the trade unions to improve the way you protect the money of our members are against it. And we’re not talking about governance can not be improved.

In fact, the first action against persons who are trade union movement, when we exposed the Health Services Union in April this year by the ACTU.

Then, when the new ACTU secretary, I asked Congress to approve ACTU led a panel of former federal judge Rod Madgwick, to review the governance and the Union, is a model of good practice recommended for all unions.

We have taken this measure to strengthen the accountability of the Union, but also because we know that the problem of those whose ultimate goal is to make it less effective unions realized could be used.

HR Nicholls Society a nd liberals do not want to make it easier for people to join a union, to take collective action for their rights or public campaigns to improve social conditions.

Dave Oliver is the secretary of the ACTU.

the Sydney Morning Herald article