Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Social media for storing

Social media for storing

recent evidence cmg the value cmg Twitter as a tool in times cmg conflict has raised its position in the diplomatic world, writes Ramesh Thakur

Far from being irrelevant by technology, in which the Governments can directly communicate with each other on a need basis diplomacy has become an increasingly important tool in an age cmg interdependence and globalization. In response to the ongoing development cmg the surrounding world, diplomacy has developed and adopted new tools and techniques to the new demands and expectations to meet.

The number and types cmg actors have multiplied, between state governments, national and multinational companies, NGOs and regional agencies and organizations.

The content cmg diplomacy has now embraced a wide range cmg areas cmg public policy and government activities that extend far beyond the t raditional foreign policy issues” important”. The planes in which the discourse is diplomatic, and so at the same time, from local to global, national, bilateral, regional and. And the apparatus and equipment cmg foreign relations and diplomacy have been continuously modified in response.

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