Friday, June 15, 2012

The application

The application

Joellen Riley.

Joellen Riley.

If unions are the same rules of society? HSU scandal has shed new light on the leadership of organized labor.


Joellen Riley

Of course it should be – so the ground is already


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The job fair (registered association) Act 2009 is over 250 pages and in addition to all the rules of formation and association of organizations, established rules for the accounting, financial reporting and criticism, and – most importantly – the functions of office bearers.

These functions correspond to those of the company’s CEO. Just as businessmen, union leaders are also expected to act in good faith, in the best interest of their organization and their members, and for legitimate purposes (s 286). You have a duty of care and diligence, subject to the same kind of”” business judgment rule, which applies to the directors of the company (s 285).

are forbidden to abuse their positions to obtain a personal advantage or a benefit for the family or friends, or cause harm to the organization (s 287). It is also prohibited to misuse information organization (s 288).

” These provisions are civil penalty provisions”, whic h means that all representatives of the union, they may be in the Federal Court for a pecuniary penalty or compensation to be prosecuted violated. Does

The Director General of Fair Work Australia, and the minister responsible, each entitled to ask the court for an order of punishment. The same organization may initiate proceedings for compensation orders.

The advantage of a civil penalty regime is that the burden of proof for a violation of a civil standard – proof in probability theory – instead of the standard more stringent than the criminal law” test” beyond a reasonable doubt. The Corporations Act also imposes duties of directors to a system of civil penalties.

And just like the executives are subject to criminal law, so are union officials and workers. The Act expressly provides that the officers continue to be subject to the laws that apply to us all (s 291). We all can be held liable for fraud or misappropriation of someone else ’s money.

The act essentially reflect what the former Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) plans – the law that was adopted by the former Howard government. This is nothing new. But it is not uncommon for politicians, the law of the fact that some people choose the laws we have already violated blame.

We do not need new laws. We just need a greater awareness of current legal requirements and the political will to enforce the law.

Joellen Riley is a professor of labor law at the Law Faculty, Sydney.

Politics Tony Abbott

HSU is the worst aspect of the scandal that 70,000 low-income workers have their hard-earned money spent badly by union officials on political campaigns and related services.

The Fair Work Australia survey in the Health Services Union HSU officials found with the money of union members for personal advantage, not to act in the best interest of the members, and has violated the rules of financial management. If the offense occurred in a company with directors, officers would be subject to criminal penalties including personal fines of up to $ 200,000 and imprisonment up to five years. But under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, registered organizations and their officers exposed only to the possibility of civil penalties with fines of up to $ 2,200. It ‘clear that the existing laws should be stronger.

Australians, unions or associations of employers to join to earn the trust of the behavior and management of these organizations. Registere d organizations are a central part of the Fair Work regime and must operate at higher standards.

The vast majority of organizations have registered to do the right thing. But there is clear evidence that the money will be paid by registered members of certain organizations used for improper purposes and personal gain.

Known in the month of May, given that if I elected a coalition government to change the laws to make sure that must play registered organizations and their officials under the same rules of the company and its directors and be subject to the same punishment for doing bad things.

It is also clear, Fair Work Australia, to do the responsible for the enforcement of laws that registered organizations is to reign, to his work. His three-year study of health care is a model of incompetence.

The Coalition also has a new body, the Commission registered organizations, the role of organizations registered investigators and enforcers take now in the pos session of the Director General of Fair Work Australia is set. There is also information to members of registered organizations about their rights and how the body is to educate members of their complaints and get registered to trade organizations on the applicable obligations imposed on them.

The Commission registered organizations are independent and in the office of the Fair Work Ombudsman. The Commission registered organizations should cooperate with other law enforcement agencies. Laboratory last attempt to play catch-up on the coalition politics is nothing more than window dressing.


As a former Industrial Registrar Doug Williams said this week that the complex regulation Fair Work Act, which regulates the trade unions, the poor output, high cost and legality . The Fair Work system may have great appeal in the credits, because that give Craig Thomson MP EU money for travel, sex, and his choice. Instead, the General Chairman of the Fair 40-month investigation into matters that could be completed in a few days and finally gave Thomson a joke of an allegation that his behavior “inappropriate” was. Recovery of millions spent – it is important for health care services of the Union – not in sight


Even if the economy and the market can change, can not be the unions. Most of Australia are 1.9 million small businesses and their employees happy with a representation of informal enterprises. But this is denied by the 50-person minimum period of membership. Workers may want to form new unions to respond to mergers, new business union or incompetence or corruption. It can not, because the existing trade unions are monopolies. Registration requires that unions be the “true” representative points. However, no officials FairWork to guess whether a union is true, and if you did you would have waited a long time, depending on the performance of the current general manager.

members should decide on the good faith of their union. In addition to the unions and is lobbying functions, and the government will (and employers’ associations) receive their representative character to undermine it. This requires an adjustment mainstream.

to a system that is b roken, the registration of trade unions Opposite there are three systems for the general well-functioning group of organization: informal, without registration, formed associations (useful for keeping the property and negotiations) and Corporations Act for the larger , the trade unions. The overall system must be used. The officers of the largest unions must follow the discipline of public managers.

The autonomous government of the workers in a company must be respected. You should not the unions ‘muscle’, and on a greenfield site, workers should not be in the first place, the Union. The current system denies them basic self-government.

1.4 million workers who have left the unions was, perhaps he would have been denied such decisions.

The ill-administered anti-working-Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 should go, and to organize in its place, the workers should have the true freedom of association, and in a position under the general rul es, including for these companies.

Adam Bisits is president of HR Nicholls Society.

union leader David Oliver

Fortunately, the unions are not like businesses.


free, independent and effective organizations that are providing services, organizing workers, the skills of workers so that together they represent in the workplace and in the countryside outside the workplace, industry-standards for large and great community health, safety, wages, working conditions and social wage.

all trade unions in Australia have democratically elected leadership and management committees. All unions in Australia have involved members in decision making at local, state and federal level. And most unions do not have the problems that a branch of a union concern addressed.

So, for the HR Nicholls Society at any time from serious air about what the unions are right or wrong, or recommendations on how to get the unions, is a joke. , There is an ideological position that Australia would be better off without unions said track.

Unions obligations under the Registered Organisations Act have are of a higher level than those that apply to busi nesses.

ACTU unions and our members know that an effective union, the members of the service offering in the workplace, supported by good governance, transparency and well-controlled elections.

This does not mean that the trade unions to improve the way you protect the money of our members are against it. And we’re not talking about governance can not be improved.

In fact, the first action against persons who are trade union movement, when we exposed the Health Services Union in April this year by the ACTU.

Then, when the new ACTU secretary, I asked Congress to approve ACTU led a panel of former federal judge Rod Madgwick, to review the governance and the Union, is a model of good practice recommended for all unions.

We have taken this measure to strengthen the accountability of the Union, but also because we know that the problem of those whose ultimate goal is to make it less effective unions realized could be used.

HR Nicholls Society a nd liberals do not want to make it easier for people to join a union, to take collective action for their rights or public campaigns to improve social conditions.

Dave Oliver is the secretary of the ACTU.

the Sydney Morning Herald article

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