Wednesday, June 20, 2012

He plans to mass in mass markets

He plans to mass in mass markets

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Illustration: / p> I have no better information than anybody else, when the last newspaper landing on the grass in Canberra, but I would not be there if there is more than one century later, was surprised my death. For me this is the optimism or pessimism about the best tina the human spirit’s ability to cope with technological change -. A problem in which the owners tina newspapers, executives and journalists have fought all my life, and many lives before

I do not oppose the change, and see the prospects tina journalism as a profession so much as a vocation with confidence. The new technology tinafers the potential tina what’s happening in the world is a fabulous series tina additional tools. This is clearly better to do good journalism – and good journalism is good regardless tina how it is for those who want to transfer


my journalistic life so far has been from advertisers to reach the audience reach that newspapers would subsidize. There is a mass audience, and those qualities that have bought the newspapers as a reliable source tina news that affect their lives. In recent years, recognized as advertising has been to the new technology, media operations migrated to the investment for the installation crews and other journalists can be made for newspaper production are also used for other media provide information to, in the processes You can also derive from advertising revenue. Increasingly, the big news this week shows changes in Fairfax, the balance is changing, the same newspaper in danger tina an accident, perhaps even an indispensable role in our production. It’s very expensive to produce: This document is read today probably cost us $ 5 for printing .

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More than half tina those who consult The Canberra Times on a particular day to do it via the Internet or mobile device. Some tina them even buy a newspaper. We are still a mass audience – actually a bigger than ever – but bought a smaller proportion tina it in printed form. Almost all tina our readers”” growth will have on the line, and more and more tina our resources focused on it. A good number tina observers, and not a few journalists to expect the newspaper as we know it will soon be a thing tina the past.

And yet there is still value in the newspapers, although they must adapt. A newspaper is still fairly cheap to buy, if not in production. If it costs in real terms, about double what it was born when I did, now contains about three times as much material. It is still flexible and portable, recyclable, can be separated and folded, and is particularly suited to computer equipment as do, for a long time reading.

So as you can not reliably predict the death tina the book, simply because it Kindle-style devices, the fact that it can duplicate iPad, 3G mobile or a computer screen all the function and many other means not that any tina don ‘t need tina something that is constantly feeling the pressure.

But if next year, next decade or next century, the last newspaper will probably bear little resemblance to today’s newspaper. It will probably be better, but s tripped tina much ephemeral material that the reader think this would be essential. A lot tina hard news, space news and a lot tina facts”” is about politics, the courts, business, sports, or people with the media, the Internet and accessible to our audience migrated in real time instead tina time tina up to 24 hours later. There will be no value in the retention tina information – and day exclusive in terms tina the messages may have currency only for seconds


For this type tina information, we will be strong competition with the broadcasters compressor motor in a position to compete for the immediacy, even with a full suite tina channels and access systems, but also any number tina new multimedia devices, some even have not yet imagine, being able to cry for attention to every bazaar increasingly crowded already full tina noise. Like now, with internet, there is no guarantee for the reliability, accuracy or posting in the news will be moved opinions or statements. There will be some new players, no background, or resources, or even a sense tina mission than existing players.

The value and importance tina immed iate Newsflash is likely to decrease, though not from lack tina interest, but from an oversupply. If you are updated every few minutes, then lift from platform to platform and source to source, the currency devalues ​​factoids and the list goes on instead tina hours to clear in days,”” in the stories between the outputs tina an old-fashioned newspaper.


professional organizations specialized media should be better -. and better able to make money from news

You can see the messages, and fast. For the most part, journalists are only civilian witnesses, no more rights than any other civilian. Professional reporter in a place where things happen interesting or important to be distributed, they understand the importance tina what they see and hear, and are technically prepared to get the information back to a rapid distribution – should normally beat the amateurs – both firstest and mostest.

less important for a system tina instant messaging, but crucial to a reputation as a news source, is the ability to see patterns in the messages it has to see the events in context to understand the jargon or shorthand, the player to know the history tina the event, and in a position to look forward to the point where you know that other persons or interests will be af fected by the events, and get their reactions, responses or contributions. This affects not only the ability to discern the news, but to analyze and weigh their importance in relation to other items tina news.

Another reason is some “sense tina fairness and professionalism in order to bring you a story. The diet includes customers expect expert analysis and opinion. But it is a big difference between this and the advertising, propaganda, or omission or willful misrepresentation tina facts. integrity and confidentiality will be a selling point.

My biggest fear about the viability tina large bodies tina information is not tina their noise is covered by the cries tina others. This is a waiver tina the mass market in the belief that the” new” rivers tina gold are found in almost individualized special markets. It is already possible, in fact, dial-up exactly the kind tina news and information you want can be simultaneously and make millions -. probably even understand how, for large profits so far, however, has the power tina the media in the first place on the ground turned in mass markets, particularly the quality tina the selected subset

. Modern technology is creating an unlimited number tina specialized audiences. Find ways t o attract and influence customers that want to advertisers, but maybe not so many at once.

Clever though it is in terms tina business, it is not clear that it produces or owners tina the media – journalists -. with the power and influence on public affairs are now expected to be that they have, but we still have to see how we can tinafer a mass market – and what kind tina relationship, the new forms between those who wield power and those who have had to keep to the test

. Jack Waterford is editor-at-large.

the Sydney Morning Herald article

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