Friday, April 27, 2012

Small target, big disappointment

Small target, big disappointment

/> Illustration: / p> Team Abbott has come to power, but not just about the most serious alternative Australian market.

The government is the way to go for Gillard Tony Abbott in power. The scandals of compounding and the smell only confirm the impossibility that Julia Gillard can somehow convince the voters to rethink his bad opinion of her and her government.

The collapse of the scope of work, go to the Labour leadership and Labour vote at the state and federal level, an Abbott extraordinary opportunity to set the Liberals in power for many years. But Abbott’s opposition is not ready for power.

Abbott has, under its previous state Liberal opposition. When Ted Baillieu in Victoria and New South Wales, Barry O’Farrell, has successfully made the government the ultimate goal, while a “small target”.

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